Jellyfish . . . the thought in every swimmer's mind as they prepare for the challenge of open water sea swimming.
This infamous invertebrate that has been on earth for at least 500 million years, long before humans and even before the dinosaurs! However, the rising incidence of jellyfish blooms poses a threat to the biodiversity of the ocean, fishing and tourism industries and of course, to the sport so close to our hearts.
The unfortunate situation at the moment is that we cannot avoid nor predict the occurrence of these blooms. Hardly a few years ago, this issue was more of a rare occurrence which is not the case presently, due to climate change, pollution, overfishing and habitat loss.
What we can do, however, w.r.t sea based sporting events is to manage and mitigate the risk to our participants and improve our medical and first-aid resources so that we can continue to provide a platform for OWS enthusiasts.